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The [-method extracts parts of an "sts" object using row (time) and column (unit) indices.


# S4 method for class 'sts'
[(x, i, j, ..., drop)



an object of class "sts".


row index (integer or logical vector).


column index (character, integer, or logical vector).


unused (arguments of the generic).
Dimensions are never dropped.


an object of class "sts".


Row indices are used to select a subset of the original time period. The start and epoch slots of the time series are adjusted accordingly. A warning is issued if an irregular integer sequence is used to extract rows, e.g., x[c(1,2,4),], which could destroy the structure of the time series (freq).

Column indices work as usual when indexing matrices, so may select units by name, position or a vector of booleans. When subsetting columns, population fractions are recomputed if and only if x is no multinomialTS and already contains population fractions.

NA indices are not supported, negative indices are.

Note that a [<- method (i.e., subassignment) is not implemented.


haagg <- aggregate(ha.sts, nfreq=13)

plot(haagg[, 3])       # Single series
plot(haagg[1:30, 3])   # Somewhat shorter

#Counts at time 20
plot(haagg[20, ], type = observed ~ unit)